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Unmanned Reaper drones rain death at a single enemy building until it, or they, are completely destroyed.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Ghostrider is a Tier 2 Drone, unlocked by reaching player level ?


Reaper slowly fires Armor-Piercing Missiles at all targets, dealing splash damage in a small area of effect.

Usage In Combat

Reapers are a crucial unit for progression, and though not a mainstay of fighting, is still decent in its own right. This early into the game, most players who have unlocked it tend to only have ground units like Rifleman, PK and Rhino. As strong as they are, Railguns and Howitzers can easily decimate the DPS units, easily halting an assault in its tracks. Reapers easily compensate for this problem by exploiting these turrets' inability to hit them, and as soon as they have been summoned, they will circle around the turret and attack it, only withdrawing until their target is destroyed, after which they enter cooldown. Machine Guns do pose a threat, but depending on the targeted base' defenses, a ground platoon can opt to prioritize attacking Machine Guns, allowing Reapers to attack without fear of retaliation. In bases with no means to fight aerial threats, they can be outright unstoppable. Defending Reapers are no less threatening, since they'll circle the Airfield constantly if they manage to spawn. Unlike during attacks, Reapers are able to engage all threats on defense (including other Reapers) and if left unchecked, their damage will easily accumulate over time. They are especially punishing to attacks that have little to no anti-air firepower, most notably Heavy Vehicle platoons.

Reapers however are rather limited in their role. They have very low health, instead reliant on the lack of alternatives in the early game to remain safe. As much as it can devastate targets that can't fire back, those that can will quickly shoot it out of the sky, and many that cannot eventually gain secondary weapons or more options to fight them off. Their low DPS doesn't mesh well with their long cooldown, and when facing upgraded defense platforms, they can often falter. Under optimal circumstances, they could be used once or twice against maybe a turret or two, though more often than not they simply perish without doing any significant damage to anything other than the user's oil reserves, given Fixed-Wing Aircraft have the highest repair costs of units in relative tiers. This often causes players to favor strike aircraft like Thunderbolt for inflicting heavy bursts of damage to take out key defenses. Despite these shortcomings, Reapers are very cheap in terms of Metal for what they do compared to the MQ-11 Avenger, and as such it would be wise to keep them in the Airfield as Defenders until the Nemesis becomes avaliable.

Unit Promotion

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DPS Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Health Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Equipment AN-127 ECM (Armor) None AGM-65 Maverick Missile (Main) None None None None None None
Promotion Cost
Critical Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Common Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Metal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thorium Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown

External Links