UH-20 Copperhead

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Hardened armor panels protect both the UH-20 Copperhead’s crew and engines, allowing this support Forward Air Navigation Guard helicopter to withstand greater punishment over the battlefield. Sharing the broad variety of loadout options with all FANG variants, the UH-20 Copperhead is a powerful addition to any platoon.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The UH-20 Copperhead is a Tier 11 Helicopter, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


UH-20 Copperhead Rocket Pods fire Explosive Rockets at all targets, inflicting damage in a small hit radius.

  • UH-20 Copperhead can additionally be equipped with a handful of secondary weapons.
  • The first slot, unlocked at level 2, has the following options:
    • Poison Arrow Missiles, can only engage enemy air units at range, with extra damage to Fixed-Wing Aircraft.
    • GILA Revolver Cannon, can attack all targets, with good yield against Infantry and Light Vehicles.
    • Katipo 50 CAL HMG, a versatile multipurpose weapon that can take on a variety of threats.
    • M47 Firefly Rockets, can only attack ground targets, with devastating DOT damage.
    • Stargazer 27mm Autocannon, a weapon that can only hit ground targets, packing a bigger punch versus defence platforms.
  • The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, has the following options:
    • Cubozoa EMP Missiles, can only target defense platforms, stunning them on hit.
    • TrueWidow Incendiary GBU, eats away ground targets, burning those that survive.
    • Crotaline Bunker Buster, is a weapon that can only strike structures and is particularly effective against buildings.
    • Mamba Guided Bombs, which relentlessly ravages Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft.
    • Ifrit M countermeasure pods that protect fangs from incoming missiles.
    • Ifrit R countermeasure pods that protect fangs from incoming rockets.