V-44 Titanus

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The up-armored Elite V-44 Titanus quad tiltrotor gunship provides long lasting air-to-ground support over even the most hostile battlefields, with a suite of deadly armaments to inflict lasting punishment to a wide variety of threats.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The V-44 Titanus is a loitering fixed wing exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


The Titanus primary weapon is a dual ballistic cannon which fires 2 shells at levels 1–10 and 4 at level 15. The ballistic cannon has a base reload time of 2 at levels 1–10 and a base reload time of 1 at level 15.

  • Additionally, the Titanus comes equipped with various secondary weapons
  • The first slot, unlocked at level 4, has the following options:
    • Paracrax minigun, a versatile weapon that can hit everything with boosted damage against helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft.
    • Clavis 30 mm autocannon, a powerful autocannon that can only hit ground targets with boosted damage against infantry and heavy vehicles.
  • The fourth slot unlocked at level 8 has the following options:
    • Phorus GBO, a powerful bomb that can only hit buildings with boosted damage against platforms.
    • Lavoc PGM, strong missiles that can hit everything with boosted range and damage against aircraft.
  • The fifth slot unlocked at level 10 has the following options:
    • Walleri gravity bombs, powerful bombs that can only target turrets, with boosted damage and stun against turrets.
    • Kelenken targeted munition, powerful missiles that can lay devastation on units with boosted damage against heavy vehicles.
    • Kasuari Prime S-EMP, unlocked at level 15, which fire powerful missiles exclusively at turrets, inflicting heavy damage and stunning them on hit.

Usage in Battle