Cleaver AAP

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The Cleaver Anti-Aircraft Platform is a self-propelled air defense and countermeasure system able to clear the skies of aerial enemies and protect friendly units from incoming fire. Unable to target ground threats, the Cleaver AAP is best deployed as part of a mixed heavy vehicle platoon.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Cleaver AAP is a Tier 10 Heavy Vehicle, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


Cleaver AAP's AA Guns fire ballistic rounds at enemy air targets.

Additionally, the Cleaver AAP can be equipped with secondary weapons. The fourth slot, unlocked at level 8, has the following options:

  • SHOBO AD Rockets, which attack everything with very high range, but is especially effective against enemy Helicopters.
  • Katar II SAM, which only targets aerial threats, and primarily serves to tackle Fixed-Wing Aircraft.



  • Tying in the melee weapon theme of T10 Heavy Vehicles, this unit is named after the Cleaver, a large blade used to split meat, in this case referring to its high range as a dedicated anti-air unit.
  • As claimed in its Designer Diary, the Cleaver AAP as a whole is based on the "Sky Tiger", a Self-Propelled Anti-Aircraft platform that consists of the K30 Biho anti-aircraft system attached to an 8x8 variant of the South Korean K808 "White Tiger" APC.
    • The real Sky Tiger notably entered service in 2021, while the Cleaver AAP was announced earlier that year before its release on June 2.
  • The Cleaver AAP is the third unit designed by its artist, Eric Bacquet.
  • It is the first proper Anti-Air unit to employ a Ballistic Cannon as a primary weapon. Other previous Anti-Air units generally employ Explosive or Armor-Piercing Missiles.
  • It is the first Heavy Vehicle to possess a unique "When Destroyed" animation.

See Also