S1 Pantsir

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The Russian mode, anti-air, vehicle is a technological mobile war machine. Its superior RADAR system gives it the advantage of tracking air units.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The S1 Pantsir is a Tier 5 Heavy Vehicle, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


The S1 Pantsir fires Explosive Missiles at any aircraft in range.

Additionally, the S1 Pantsir can be equipped with a secondary weapon. The fourth slot, unlocked at level 8, only has the KBP 30mm Autocannon, which provides additional Anti-Air firepower at close range and deals extra damage to helicopters.

Usage In Battle

The S1 Pantsir is the first proper Anti-Air vehicle in the game, and serves as the backbone of early to mid-game air defense until advanced equivalents like the Artemis become avaliable. This niche, though sometimes easily occupied by certain platoons, is incredibly valuable for base defense and heavy vehicle platoons. Air units can utilize their speed and agility to burst down even Flak Guns to render entire bases mostly defenseless, while being able to attack heavy vehicles with impunity as most of them are unable to retaliate and the few that can are extremely limited in that regard. S1 Pantsir contributes to both, as its very high range can easily punish anything that flies, often doing heavy damage far before it comes under fire itself if its targets are not destroyed outright. Even if helicopters survive, the S1 Pantsir's autocannon can continue attacking them at close range while ignoring flares deployed by enemy helicopters. As the Select All button cannot be used to direct it around, S1 Pantsirs also allow more liberal deployment, as the main attacking force can focus on dealing damage and distract aerial threats for the Pantsir to safely fire upon. It works especially well with the MANTIS for the purpose, as the MANTIS can effectively shut down rocket projectiles shot by most helicopters. Should a Pantsir successfully deploys in defense, most air attacks will be halted dead in their tracks as it suddenly begins firing on unsuspecting aircraft.

S1 Pantsirs have a couple of minor weaknesses, which are general to most AA units and don't impact its use much. As much as they are useful against aerial threats, they can't hit anything else and other units must protect them from ground threats. Their high capacity often mean they can be cut in favor of more offensive units, especially if the player doesn't expect to encounter aerial threats often or are using Light Vehicle platoons, which have much better means of fighting aerial threats. Speaking of capacity, one Pantsir can only do so much, and when stronger aircraft like the Super Hind MKV appear, several are needed at once to minimize their potential damage, not to mention strategies targeting the War Factory first can often burst them down before Pantsirs spawn. Pantsirs also face their anti-helicopter niche in the early game from Snipers, which can fit better in platoons and work well against infantry, though eventually they, too, are outclassed as Pantsir's superior effectiveness and the introduction of Ghosts.

Unit Promotion

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DPS Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Health Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Equipment Advanced Anti-Air Crew (Crew) None Advanced Composite Armor (Armor) None Advanced RADAR (System) None KBPM 30mm Autocannons (Secondary) None Composite Tile (Applique)
Promotion Cost
Critical 31 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Common 28 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Metal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thorium Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown



  • The S1 Pantsir is based on the eponymous missile system variant, mounted on a GM-352 chassis.

See Also