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Mortarmen fire long range and over obstacles with shells that do area burst damage. Great for support to bust bases and wipe out enemy infantry, but keep them off the front lines.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Mortarman is a Tier 3 Infantry, unlocked by reaching player level 19.


Mortarmen slowly fire their mortars, dealing explosive damage to all ground targets.

Usage in Combat

Though no different to Riflemen and Machine Gunners in their role as DPS units, Mortarmen sacrifice the ability to target air, close quarters protection and DPS - admittedly minor drawbacks in general - For extra range and splash damage while maintaining the same squad count at only slightly more than half the cost. As with the two aforementioned units, durable units like the Abrams M1A1 can hold the fort while they rain damage from afar. With the general obsolescence of Riflemen resulting in their prevalence as defenders in Barracks as well as players who exploit natural barriers to shield certain turrets like Machine Guns, Mortarmen can find great use in the early game by invalidating them both. Their splash damage can wipe out large swarms of smaller units that are stationary or haven't moved far, and their parabolic trajectory allows them to easily hit defense platforms protected by natural barriers while they are either occupied or cannot return fire. They themselves also boast surprisingly high range, allowing them to stay away from the line of fire. As defenders, Mortarmen can be equally punishing, especially to slow units that can't escape in time or eliminate them quickly.

Despite their great potential, Mortarmen are plagued by several issues. They have very low health, and cannot defend themselves in close quarters, so anything that can close the gap or attack them from afar will destroy them easily. Notable examples include the Howitzer, defending Mortarmen or even a Humvee, not to mention anti-infantry minefields which can leave tanks without support. Unless micro-managed properly, tanks will inadvertently enter blindspots, resulting in Mortarmen being targeted. Their inability to hit air can be especially punishing given the Cobra is avaliable very early, and tanks avaliable at this point also can't do anything against them. To add insult to injury, what little advantage they offer are easily leveraged away with the introduction of proper siege artillery units like the M270 Launcher, which wield equally potent splash damage themselves, work better with heavy vehicles due to their speed, and have secondary weapons providing limited defense against airborne targets. The MAAWS Team, while not used often due to the very existence of the aforementioned artillery units, remain far superior as well. This overall makes Mortarmen ultimately situational in the continual escalation of of threat variety.

Unit Progression

Level Promote Cost Repair Cost (Oil) DPS Health XP Gain
Metal Thorium Component
1 N/A N/A N/A 36 112 1,200 N/A
2 45,000 N/A x30 Mortarman Critical
x25 Infantry Common
51 126 +140
3 95,000 N/A x60 Mortarman Critical
x35 Infantry Common
55 143
4 175,000 N/A x90 Mortarman Critical
x50 Infantry Common
60 162
5 350,000 N/A x100 Mortarman Critical
x75 Infantry Common
64 185
6 500,000 8,500 x125 Mortarman Critical
x125 Infantry Common
68 211
7 825,000 11,250 x175 Mortarman Critical
x150 Infantry Common
70 241
8 1,300,000 15,000 x200 Mortarman Critical
x200 Infantry Common
71 276
9 1,900,000 18,750 x250 Mortarman Critical
x250 Infantry Common
74 317
10 2,650,000 22,750 x300 Mortarman Critical
x300 Infantry Common
75 366

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