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Cobra Thumb 16-9.jpg
Cobra helicopters can be added to ground platoons and provide constant damage to enemy ground units, especially tanks and support units that can't fire back.
—In-Game Description
Target Efficiency
Infantry Light Vehicles Heavy Vehicles Copters Planes
Bad Good Excellent Good Good
Role Damage Type Speed Range Capacity Equipment Shoot and Move
DPS Sustained 100 250 100 Floor Armor Yes
Build Cost Unlock Requirements
Resource Component
Template:Metal x20 Cobra Critical Player Lvl 18
Helipad Lvl 1

General Information

The Cobra is the first helicopter accessible to the player, boasting an autocannon that deals heavy damage to targets at range and exceptional mobility for how early they are obtainable.

As a DPS unit, Cobra's main advantage lies in its ability to easily avoid bypass enemy defenses. Unlike ground units, it cannot be targeted by Mines, Railguns and Howitzers which tend to be some of the most dangerous defenses throughout the whole game. With tanks being able to absorb damage from Machine Guns and Salvos, Flak Guns are the only major threat due to their range, which in turn can be neutralized by ground units once the lower-ranged defenses have been destroyed. Despite its average range, the Cobra can take advantage of its very high mobility and ability to target everything to provide valuable support, as most units avaliable at this point either have a range disadvantage or can't attack it at all, and in the event if they do, they would still take heavy damage.

Despite what it offers, the Cobra still has a number of weaknesses, starting with its lack of area damage. This usually isn't an issue, as Cobras tend to work well against most T1-3 units just fine, but infantry, especially in huge numbers, can greatly impede or even outright destroy them. IFVs in particular can be extremely dangerous, as they can not only spawn infantry on destruction to put them withon Cobra's range but also boast damage bonuses to helicopters, so if they do survive, they can quickly whittle down the Cobras. The Flak Gun, as harmless as it is against ground units, compensates that for its very high range, often destroying Cobas with terrifying ease and requiring dedicated Gunship Helicopters like the Hind for defense, which can turn out to be worse than expected as Helicopters generally have less health. Furthermore, to compensate for its advantages as a helicopter, Cobras take significantly more space yet do much less damage than Humvees, which can, if used properly, fully outpace it. As such, while it is definitely a full investment, players should transition to the AH-64E Guardian sooner or later to provide better air support.

Unit Progression

Level Promote Cost Repair Cost
Per Unit
DPS Health XP Gain
Resource Component
1 N/A N/A Template:Oil 500 4,000 N/A
2 Template:Metal x30 Cobra Critical
x25 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 560 +140
3 Template:Metal x60 Cobra Critical
x35 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 630
4 Template:Metal x90 Cobra Critical
x50 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 710
5 Template:Metal x100 Cobra Critical
x75 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 800
6 Template:Metal
x125 Cobra Critical
x125 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 900
7 Template:Metal Template:Thorium x150 Cobra Critical
x150 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 1,000
8 Template:Metal Template:Thorium x200 Cobra Critical
x200 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 1,160
9 Template:Metal Template:Thorium x250 Cobra Critical
x250 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 1,320
10 Template:Metal Template:Thorium x300 Cobra Critical
x300 Helicopter Common
Template:Oil 1,510


Name Floor Armor

HP Increase  New HP Total
Lv1 +5% (+200 HP) 4,200 HP
Lv2 +10% (+400 HP) 4,400 HP
Lv3 +15% (+600 HP) 4,600 HP
Lv4 +20% (+800 HP) 4,800 HP
Lv5 +25% (+1,000 HP) 5,000 HP
Lv6 +30% (+1,200 HP) 5,200 HP
Lv7 +35% (+1,400 HP) 5,400 HP
Lv8 +40% (+1,600 HP) 5,600 HP
Lv9 +45% (+1,800 HP) 5,800 HP
Lv10 +50% (+2,000 HP) 6,000 HP

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