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Groups of Riflemen deliver significant damage, even to aircraft. Keep them protected behind tanks and away from area of effect damage rockets and mortar rounds.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Rifleman is a Tier 1 Infantry, unlocked by reaching player level 1.


Riflemen slowly fire their rifles, dealing single-target ballistic damage to all targets.

Usage in Combat

Riflemen, as the first infantry unit avaliable, is an excellent DPS unit comparable to the PK, able to fight early-game aerial targets with great efficiency. Whereas the PK is more space-efficient in general, can fire on the move and has superior range, Riflemen benefit from their significantly higher squad count despite their slow speed, which allows them to tank more damage, easily tear down enemy structures and wipe out defenders before Heavy Vehicles like Rhinos are overwhelmed.

Beyond the very early game, however, Riflemen are quickly obsoleted by the introduction of other DPS options. Compared to the likes of Machine Gunners and Mortarmen, Riflemen simply couldn't catch up due to their very low stats. Though their quantity allows them to absorb a fair bit of damage, Howitzer's introduction often force players to work around it, and sharing Abrams M1A1's range certainly doesn't help them, whereas Machine Gunners and Mortarmen can get around these more easily. If that wasn't enough, Humvee, the aforementioned Abrams and eventually the Cobra all prove to be devastating sources of mobile firepower, completely removing this unit's utility.


See Also