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With twinned assault rocket launchers firing an array of HE anti-armor options, the Kuvasz is the mid-range skirmish variant of the Quadruped Military Robot program which can be tailored to engage a variety of threats.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The QMR-Kuvasz is a Tier 12 Infantry, unlocked exclusively through blueprint acquisition in Events.


QMR-Kuvasz burst-fires explosive rockets, dealing damage to all targets caught in their area of effect.

Additionally, the QMR-Kuvasz can be equipped with secondary weapons. The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, has the following options:

  • M0-SIS Machine Gun, a general purpose weapon that can attack everything but specializes in taking down helicopters. It is avaliable at level 10.
  • S-56 Grenade Launcher, a powerful instrument that hits ground targets, shredding Light Vehicles and Infantry with extra efficiency. It is avaliable at level 10.
  • Glide Breaker-78 SAM, a deceptively destructive addition that expands the unit's anti-air prowess and devastates Fixed-Wing Aircraft. It is avaliable at level 15.

Usage in Combat


The QMR Kuvasz is a powerful unit killer. They are generally used with light vehicles such as Aquilla, Corvus, and Noctua, helping them dispatch otherwise dangerous threats such as helicopters or other light vehicles. It can also tank a decent amount of damage. The Slot 4 equipment allows the player to specialize the Kuvasz in killing different types of units. However, one must remember that these robots are NOT made for destroying buildings; they are otherwise completely useless in that regard. They are also easily killed by turrets and DLP-Sabres.


The Kuvasz shines in defense due to its quick deployment time and decent health, making these robots quite effective against helicopters commonly seen at that level. Furthermore, equipment such as the TERN-87 rocket and the Blackjack OS can greatly increase the range of these robots up to a maximum of 525! This allows them to engage from a distance and help kill helicopters or light vehicles. However, they still share the same weakness. They are completely useless against DLP-Sabres and have difficulty damaging high-health units like Copperhead, which can just ignore them. Also, the low health pool of the barracks makes it quite easy to kill, preventing them from spawning.



  • As with all QMR units, the QMR-Kuvasz itself is based on the BigDog, a real Quaruped Military Robot, and derives its name from the eponymous dog breed.

See Also