AC-19 Ares

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Converted from a long range cargo jet platform, the ARES has been retrofitted to haul a massive cache of ballistic systems and their munitions. Often deployed defensively, the weapons mounted on the ARES were modified for use in an assault configuration. This, heavy circulating aircraft can deliver volumes of air-to-ground ordinance at a greater rate than any weapon previously know to man.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The AC-19 Ares is a sizable cargo aircraft transformed into a military powerhouse, featuring robust armor and potent weaponry that enables it to both deal significant damage and withstand numerous hits. Equipped with a versatile selection of gear, the Ares can be customized for various roles on the battlefield.

To deploy the AC-19 Ares during a battle, players can activate it by tapping or tapping and holding on a structure. The aircraft offers two distinct firing modes: a single tap on a target prompts the Ares to concentrate most of its ground fire on that specific target, while tapping and holding causes the Ares to disperse its fire over a larger area, facilitating widespread demolition. This flexibility in targeting options allows for strategic adaptation in response to different battlefield scenarios.

Unit Promotion

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DPS Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Health Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Equipment Low Profile Targeting System, MK-250 Drop Tank, QPR-67 Turodrop Engine (System) R-91 Vulcan Cannon, Gomez Heavy Cannon, KAD 820 Autocannon (Secondary) Light Armor Plating, PHAM Plating, MAI-43 Heavy Armor (Armor) Gunship Pilot Master, Swift Target Training, Integrated Adaptive Training (Crew) R-91 Vulcan Cannon, Gomez Heavy Cannon, Veer 105mm Cannon (Secondary) None None None None
Promotion Cost
Critical 378 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Common 396 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Metal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thorium Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown



  • Ares is the Greek god of war and courage.
  • It is not known which specific aircraft is the AC-19 Ares based on.