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Named after the massive missiles it carries into battle, this skunkworks vehicle can outrun enemy units and mortars while temporarily disabling any turrets damaged by its Trident Missiles.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Trident is a Tier 8 Light Vehicle, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


Trident's cannon rapidly deals ballistic damage to all targets.

Additionally, the Trident can be equipped with a handful of secondary weapons:

  • The first slot, unlocked at level 1, only has the Trident EMP Missiles, which targets ground, briefly stunning any Defense Platforms on hit.
  • The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, only has the M151 Rockets, which targets everything, but works best against Fixed-Wing Aircraft and Helicopters.

Usage In Combat


Unit Promotion


  • As implied through the name of its Level 8 equipment, the Trident itself appears to be a variant of the Buffalo MRAP, equipped with Trident SLBMs.

See Also