Machine Gunner

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Machine Gunners use their M249 to do significantly more damage than Riflemen, and they can take a hit when needed. Team them up with armor and upgrade them for a devastating attack force.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Machine Gunner is a Tier 2 Infantry, unlocked by reaching player level 47.


Machine Gunners burst-fire their machine guns, dealing ballistic damage to all targets.

Usage In Combat

Machine Gunners are nearly identical to Riflemen in behavior, except they carry burst-firing weapons, and possess overall greater stats, making them the go-to unit once they become avaliable. Much like how Riflemen can offer powerful support, Machine Gunners can be used in large quantities to easily overwhelm the enemy, forming a devastating combination with tanks like the Abrams M1A1. The tanks will shield Machine Gunners from threats that would otherwise tear through them quickly, such as Humvees, Machine Guns and Howitzers while they attack structures, enemy infantry, helicopters and fixed wing units. The ability to efficiently engage and eliminate the latter two are extremely important, since despite having low health, early game tanks are completely defenseless against them.

Players who don't include infantry in their platoons or defenses should still consider upgrading Machine Gunners for a smoother transition. This is because Cougars, the entry level IFV for FOBs 1-3, can spawn up to five of them when destroyed. While this initially sounds unappealing, FOB units are exceptionally useful in War Zones with their invaluable support that doesn't incur additional repair costs. And even if a player uses only a single platoon of Cougars, the strategic value of them inserting groups of Machine Gunners on destruction can unexpectedly expand the longevity of an attack and completely turn the tables.

Unit Progression

Level Promote Cost Repair Cost (Oil) DPS Health XP Gain
Metal Thorium Component
1 N/A N/A N/A 36 152 900 N/A
2 45,000 N/A x30 Machine Gunner Critical
x25 Infantry Common
39 168 +40
3 95,000 N/A x60 Machine Gunner Critical
x35 Infantry Common
42 188
4 175,000 N/A x90 Machine Gunner Critical
x50 Infantry Common
45 208
5 350,000 N/A x100 Machine Gunner Critical
x75 Infantry Common
48 232
6 500,000 8,500 x125 Machine Gunner Critical
x125 Infantry Common
53 260
7 825,000 11,250 x175 Machine Gunner Critical
x150 Infantry Common
54 292
8 1,300,000 15,000 x200 Machine Gunner Critical
x200 Infantry Common
55 328
9 1,900,000 18,750 x250 Machine Gunner Critical
x250 Infantry Common
56 368
10 2,650,000 22,750 x300 Machine Gunner Critical
x300 Infantry Common
58 416

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