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This multi-role fighting UAV drone boasts top of the line defense and weaponry. The Nemesis' secondary weapons make it both an elite air-to-air fighter and a force against enemy defenses.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Nemesis is a Tier 7 Drone, unlocked exclusively through blueprint acquisition in events.


Nemesis fires explosive missiles at all ground targets, dealing damage in a small radius.

Additionally, the Nemesis can be equipped with a number of secondary weapons:

  • The first slot, unlocked at level 2, only has the ASRAAM Diamondback-4x, which hits everything, able to cover the Nemesis' inability to fight air threats with bonus damage against helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft,
  • The third slot, unlocked at level 6, has the following options:
    • GBU-52X UAV Shrike Bomb, which attack ground targets and add to its anti-structure firepower. It is avaliable at level 6.
    • HV-UAV Bomb, which rains damage on the ground, delivering extra punishment to Heavy and Light Vehicles alike. It is avaliable at level 15.

Usage In Combat

Nemesis, being the spiritual successor to the Reaper and MQ-11 Avenger, is an excellent and versatile unit with its armament. Continuing their legacy, swarms of Nemeses can beat isolated turrets into submission through their high stats, and simultaneously return fire at enemy defenders, leaving no chance for small targets to survive unscathed. On defense, the Nemesis becomes an even bigger beast. In between other units and structures, the Nemesis' surprisingly high durability can make it quite the nuisance, as without any form of dedicated anti-air offense like the S1 Pantsir, they can be very difficult to take down while doing significant damage to an attacking platoon, or even distract them long enough for the offense to crumble. The prevalence of Tier 6-7 Heavy and Light Vehicles like the M3 Bradley, Leopard 2A7, HIMARS, Overlord and Paladin only further emphasizes on its destructive potential.

However, Nemesis isn't confronted with just stat falloff at this point. Many player bases tend to feature a balanced defense that will fare decently in any attack, able to effortlessly eliminate drones. Nemesis' DPS values do work in a vacuum, but they won't be able to survive long enough against SAMs, Flak Guns and Machine Guns that can quickly output enough damage to overwhelm it. In this aspect, it loses to both the Ghostrider and F-35A, as Ghostrider is able to not only deal sustained DPS to a single target but also inflict widespread area damage, while the F-35A is better at surgical removal of single, powerful enemy targets through a quick burst of damage. This often restricts it to defense, and despite thriving there, it still has its flaws. Infantry won't be able to take them out as easily, but the same cannot be said for S1 Pantsirs, Centurions and Grizzlies. Things only get worse with the advent of Scimitar, Mastiff and Artemis, which are all expensive units that can be secured quickly with various forms of anti-air firepower. Nemesis' output quickly diminishes when confronted by other aerial threats like the Reaver, because unlike its advanced equivalents (Shrike/IL-76 Pallas), its secondary damage against them remain pitiful, and being able to only tank means other defenses like the Heavy Flak tend to be doing most of the work, should they live long enough in such attacks. It is far from unusable and can work when it counted, but given its massive investment (especially the very high build cost), players may want to focus their resource elsewhere for a stronger offense.

Unit Promotion

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DPS Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Health Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown) Unknown (+Unknown)
Equipment ASRAAM Diamondback-4x (Secondary) None UAV Heavy Wing Upgrade (Armor) None GBU-52X UAV Shrike Bomb, HV-UAV Bomb (Secondary) None Longshot DUKE Counter Jammer (Crew) None F35-M UAV Pulse Engine (System)
Promotion Cost
Critical 155 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Common 185 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Metal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thorium Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown


  • Nemesis is the Greek goddess of retribution.
  • The Nemesis is based on the Northrop Grumman X-47B UAV prototype.

See Also