AH-29 Vyper

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The AH-29 Vyper is the attack variant of the Forward Air Navigation Guard helicopter chassis. With increased damage output from its primary rocket pods and a wide suite of weapons available to all FANG helicopters, the AH-29 Vyper is capable of taking on a variety of threats.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The AH-29 Vyper is a Tier 11 Helicopter, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


AH-29 Vyper Rocket Pods fire Explosive Rockets at all targets, inflicting damage in a small hit radius.

  • AH-29 Vyper can additionally be equipped with a handful of secondary weapons.
  • The first slot, unlocked at level 2, has the following options:
    • Poison Arrow Missiles, can only engage enemy air units at range, with extra damage to Fixed-Wing Aircraft.
    • GILA Revolver Cannon, can attack all targets, with good yield against Infantry and Light Vehicles.
    • Katipo 50 CAL HMG, a versatile multipurpose weapon that can take on a variety of threats.
    • M47 Firefly Rockets, can only attack ground targets, with devastating DOT damage.
    • Stargazer 27mm Autocannon, a weapon that can only hit ground targets, packing a bigger punch versus defence platforms.
  • The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, has the following options:
    • Cubozoa EMP Missiles, can only target defense platforms, stunning them on hit.
    • TrueWidow Incendiary GBU, eats away ground targets, burning those that survive.
    • Crotaline Bunker Buster, is a weapon that can only strike structures and is particularly effective against buildings.
    • Mamba Guided Bombs, which relentlessly ravages Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft.
    • Ifrit M countermeasure pods that protect fangs from incoming missiles.
    • Ifrit R countermeasure pods that protect fangs from incoming rockets.