Merkava IVm

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The Merkava is designed for survivability. Armor sloping and low profile design allow this tank to take a beating.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Merkava IVm is a Tier 4 Siege Tank, unlocked by reaching player level 47.


Merkava IVm's main gun fires explosive rounds at enemy targets, inflicting damage in a small hit radius.

Additionally, the Merkava IVm can be equipped with secondary weapons. The fourth slot, unlocked at level 8, has the following options:

  • FIM-43 Redeye Missile, which provides a limited form of defense against aerial threats in the early game, doing extra damage to helicopters.
  • RMG 12.7mm HMG, which only targets ground, able to contribute to siege damage but is most useful against lighter targets.

Usage in Battle

Merkavas are incredibly versatile. Thanks to its improved stats in general, it works much better at keeping DPS units alive to rain down carnage. Its secondaries also patch weaknesses common to tanks, that being their inability to target aircraft or vulnerability to large swarms of infantry by providing some offense and in the latter's case , siege damage. Most ground attacks will greatly appreciate its presence, especially those using the M270 Launcher, which can also be attacked with Redeye Missiles for extra defense against aerial enemy defenders like Reapers.

The secondary weapons' effectiveness, however, are limited. By the time it becomes avaliable, players will eventually also obtain the AH-64E Guardian and MI-28, Helicopters that can deal heavy splash damage and snipe infantry while being difficult to take down. Infantry defenders can also be threatening, especially given the Merkava can only choose between one or the other. While this can be patched by including more Merkavas or other heavy vehicles, this approach quickly becomes inefficient due to their very high capacity, to the point where using Light Vehicles may be more sensible. A small escort force of upgraded Cougars and Stryker IFVs serve as excellent companions, since they can deal with light targets like infantry and decimate Helicopters.

As the FOB 4-7 Tank, Merkavas are definitely worth upgrading. An influx of them in War Zones can dramatically multiply the effectiveness of their secondaries by deploying several at once, often quickly whittling down aircraft or destroying lighter targets in seconds and buy your actual platoon plenty of opportunities to do damage.

Unit Promotion

Level 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
DPS 989 (+20) 1,009 (+20) 1,029 (+20) 1,049 (+20) 1,104 (+24) 1,128 (+24) 1,152 (+24) 1,176 (+24) 1,200 (+24)
Health Unknown (+Unknown) 39,780 (+Unknown) 40,576 (+796) 41,388 (+812) 42,215 (+827) 43,060 (+845) 43,921 (+861) 44,799 (+878) 45,695 (+896)
Equipment Vet Tank Crew (Crew) None 30mm Steel Plate (Armor) None Merkava Turret (System) None RMG 7.62 MG, FIM-43 Redeye Missile (Secondary) None Reactive IV Module (Armor)
XP 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,000 3,500
Promotion Cost
Critical 24 26 29 32 35 39 42 47 50
Common 19 21 23 25 27 30 33 36 40
Metal 22,000 24,500 26,500 29,500 32,500 35,500 39,000 43,000 47,500
Thorium 0 0 0 0 1,088 1,250 1,700 2,000 2,000


  • Merkava IVm is based on the eponymous tank derivative.

See Also