Category:Siege Tank

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Siege Tanks are a subcategory of Heavy Vehicles.

Many Siege Tanks possess at least one of these attributes:

  • Possess primary weapons that can only target ground, with equipment boosting their effectiveness versus buildings, barriers, and turrets. Many also come with secondary weapons to cover their weaknesses against various targets.
  • Excel at absorbing damage from various threats due to boasting equipment boosting their defensive prowess, while dishing out heavy damage at the frontlines.
  • Their range are generally lower than Heavy Vehicles serving other roles, Helicopter and Aircraft, but higher than Light Vehicles and Infantry.
  • Are spawned by Tank Reinforcement FOBs.


  • Siege Tanks seem to represent what would realistically be the MBT, serving as an armored direct-fire platform specialized at frontline fighting while being supported by various other units.

Pages in category "Siege Tank"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.