Category:Light Vehicles

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Light Vehicles, known simply as LVs, is one of the main unit categories in War Commander: Rogue Assault.

General Information

  • Light Vehicles generally focus on their adaptational abilities. Many have a major emphasis of speed and agility, as well as a weapon that can fire on the move. This allows them to avoid trouble and return fire while still dealing heavy damage. In exchange, Light Vehicles have generally low range.
  • Light Vehicles are usually categorized by the following subtypes:
    • LAVs usually rely on their own weapons, with significant damage boosts to structures to quickly level a base.
    • IFVs generally possess damage bonuses against Helicopters, tend to have lower squad counts, and can spawn infantry units when destroyed to keep the fight going. Some advanced IFVs can deploy them manually, allowing them to continue their fire support.
  • All Light Vehicles up to Terminator (T7) can be set as defensive unit in the War Factory, whereas anything beyond that can only be deployed form a Garage.

Page unit tier unit role unit weapon type dps health unit capacity squad limit efficiency infantry efficiency light vehicle efficiency heavy vehicle efficiency helicopter efficiency plane
Noctua 10 DPS: Sustained Armor Piercing 54,016 584,830 200 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Aquila 10 DPS: Sustained Armor Piercing 54,016 584,830 200 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Wolverine 9 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 7,743 89,401 150 6
Kodiak 8 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 8,865 127,918 250 2
Trident 8 Assault Ballistic 22,630 484,952 600 1
Terminator 7 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 3,753 36,468 175 3 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
M3 Bradley 6 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 2,227 23,021 150 3 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
BMP 5 DPS: Burst Ballistic 1,119 15,137 100 3 E G B G G
Ontos II 4 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 1,236 14,182 100 4 ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
Stryker IFV 4 Support: AoE Ballistic 1,052 10,686 75 3
Cougar 3 Support: AoE Ballistic 763 8,591 50 3 E G B G CT (w/o equipment)
ZSU-23-4 Zeus 3 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 580 8,000 100 6 E G B G G
Humvee 2 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 763 8,591 50 5 E G B G CT (w/o equipment)
S-13 1 Assault Explosive Rocket 176 2,100 75 20 E G B CT CT
PK 1 DPS: Sustained Ballistic 180 2,401 25 5 E G B G G


  • When Light Vehicles are destroyed, they will instantly explode, leaving behind a wreck that burns briefly.
    • Certain Light Vehicles, such as the Noctua and Ontos II, have longer animations before they come to a rest. Any payload they have will not deploy until then.


This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.



Pages in category "Light Vehicles"

The following 17 pages are in this category, out of 17 total.