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SPARTAN armor ushers in a new era for infantry units. Equipped with twin Railguns and a resilient armour suit, Spartan soldiers can directly compete with vehicles on the battlefield. Elite level Spartans deploy more quickly from the barracks, armed with advanced anti-air weapons to take out aerial threats.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The Spartan is a Tier 8 Infantry, unlocked exclusively through blueprint acquisition in Events.


Spartans slowly fire armor-piercing energy projectiles from their railguns, inflicting damage on a linear path that extends slightly behind their normal attack range.

Additionally, the Spartan can be equipped with a handful of secondary weapons. The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, has the following options:

  • 0D87 Rocket Pod, which deals with a variety of threats, packing extra damage versus Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft. It is avaliable at level 10.
  • QW-Vanguard 3 Missile, which specifically engages aerial targets and ruins Fixed-Wing Aircraft with pinpoint precision. It is avaliable at level 13.

Usage in Combat




  • The name "Spartan" is often used, but occasionally it is referred to as "SPARTAN" with full capitals. While this unit is definitely named after the ancient Spartan army, it is often left unclear if the "Spartan" part was a backronym or is meant to be the actual name of the exoskeleton itself.
    • The release of Spartan Hemlock and Spartan Vanguard seem to confirm that "Spartan" is indeed the name of the exoskeleton.

See Also