MH-5 Python

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The MH-5 Python's chassis has been modified to hold even more of the arsenal available to FANG helicopters, giving its pilots access to three pairs of secondary weapons. Depending on the loadout, the MH-5 Python can offer protection from multiple projectile types or be fitted for maximum offensive output.
—In-Game Description

General Information

The MH-5 Python is a Tier 11 Helicopter, exclusively unlockable through blueprint acquisition in Events.


MH-5's Rocket Pods fire Explosive Rockets at all targets, inflicting damage in a small hit radius.

  • MH-5 Python can additionally be equipped with a handful of secondary weapons.
  • The first slot, unlocked at level 2, has the following options:
    • Poison Arrow Missiles, can only engage enemy air units at range, with extra damage to Fixed-Wing Aircraft.
    • GILA Revolver Cannon, can attack all targets, with good yield against Infantry and Light Vehicles.
    • Katipo 50 CAL HMG, a versatile multipurpose weapon that can take on a variety of threats.
    • M47 Firefly Rockets, can only attack ground targets, with devastating DOT damage.
    • Stargazer 27mm Autocannon, a weapon that can only hit ground targets, packing a bigger punch versus defence platforms.
  • The fourth slot, unlocked at level 8, has the following options:
    • Cubozoa EMP Missiles, can only target defense platforms, stunning them on hit.
    • TrueWidow Incendiary GBU, eats away ground targets, burning those that survive.
  • The fifth slot, unlocked at level 10, has the following options:
    • Crotaline Bunker Buster, is a weapon that can only strike structures and is particularly effective against buildings.
    • Mamba Guided Bombs, which relentlessly ravages Helicopters and Fixed-Wing Aircraft.

Usage in Battle

As its description implies, the MH-5 Python's flexibility can be primarily attributed to its extra secondary slot, which can be adapted for different platoon compositions. This however comes at the cost of its Variant Tech slot, and its low platoon limit of 4 can greatly restrict available options.

Being the FOB 13 Helicopter, the MH-5 Python's already high durability synergizes well with the health bonus.


Offensively, the Python's primary weapon is lacking, having the lowest DPS out of all three FANGs, and as mentioned before, can't compensate for that through Variant equipment. As such, it relies on its secondary weapons to make an impact. They can be tailored to counter enemy units/structures or use the 4th and 5th slots for countermeasures to dismiss some enemy Rocket/Missile projectiles. The platoon limit does hurt it a bit, but players can always bolster their numbers through FOBs in War Zones, bringing three more dangerous units into the fray.


Defensively, the Python is equally viable, if not better. It rivals other FANGs again with its three secondary weapon slots. Mamba Guided Bombs and TrueWidow Incendiary GBUs work exceptionally well with the first slot adding extra destruction against specific targets. Despite having significantly less health than the UH-20 Copperhead, this towering juggernaut proves to be difficult to take down. The Python easily punishes attackers who fail to neutralize the Helipad/its respective FOB.


  • As with all other FANG Helicopters, this unit is named after a type of snake, but with a few key differences:
    • Pythons, unlike Copperheads or Vipers, are not venomous, being instead reliant on their brute strength.
    • Though it retains the same range, speed, capacity and squad count as other FANGs, it has a maximum platoon count.
    • It has three secondary slots, with the last two encompassing all weapons accessible to FANGs. In exchange, it cannot benefit from Variant equipment, and options are split evenly across these two slots (to prevent players from mounting two copies at once).

See Also