Forward Operating Bases

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FOBs are NPC bases specifically allied to the player and provide tactical advantages.

General Information

FOBs are purchased by spending Oil, and deployed next to the player's HQ, persisting until they are destroyed in an attack, scrapped by the player (manually or through moving HQ). Players are refunded for scrapped FOBs unless said FOBs are under attack.

FOBs are able to supplement a player's offense and defense by spawning units five seconds into the battle:

  • When a player attacks in War Zones, all avaliable FOB units appear after the set delay when they begin the attack and the timer starts counting down.
    • These units cannot be directed by the player and act independently from their own units.
    • Regardless of how much damage they absorb, they will always be fully restored in-between fights, free of charge.
  • When a player-owned FOB or their main base comes under attack, FOB units arrive after the set delay when the attack timer starts counting down, and then behave similar to any defending unit deployed from a structure, chasing and attacking enemy units with an unlimited targeting range.
    • FOBs cannot defend themselves with their own units, instead reliant on reinforcements from other FOBs and anything else within the FOB itself for defense.

FOB Types

There are three FOB types which differ in their reinforcement type and bonuses supplied to said units. Only one of each type can exist at any given moment, giving a player up to three active FOBs.

  • The Tank Reinforcement FOB provides Tanks and adds a damage bonus to their weapons.
  • The Infantry Vehicle Reinforcement FOB provides IFVs and a health bonus.
  • The Helicopter Reinforcement FOB provides Attack Helicopters and a health bonus.

Any units included in FOBs aren identical to those used by their respective player, inheriting their stats and any equipment used before the multiplier. Otherwise, base values are used. As such, it is highly advisable for players to research the specifics of any units involved and prioritize their upgrades to get the most out of them. Examples include:

  • For example, if the player owns a level 2 BMP with the Force Recon Squad equipment, and their Infantry Vehicle Reinforcement FOB is Level 8 (which has BMPs), the BMPs spawned by the FOB will be at level 2, and the Force Recons spawned upon its destruction are identical to the ones usable by said player.
  • In another example, if the player owns a level 8 Noctua with the QMR-Kuvasz Payload equipment, and their Infantry Vehicle Reinforcement is Level 12 (which has Noctuas), the Noctuas will spawn the QMR-Kuvasz when destroyed. However, if the equipment is switched with something else, such as a secondary weapon, then the spawned Noctuas would utilize said weapons instead and do not spawn anything.

All FOBs of the same level share their layout, from defensive structures to stationed units. The player cannot check or influence them, as none of their owned units' stats apply there and the same goes for defenders in structures.

Global Operations

The Global Operations building is required to upgrade FOBs at a cost. Existing FOBs do not scale automatically, meaning they must be removed before they convey their benefits. Upgraded FOBs generally provide superior bonuses and spawn advanced units in greater quantities.

Infantry Vehicle Reinforcement

This Forward Operating Base will send additional infantry to defend your bases.
—In-Game Description
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Type Cougar Stryker IFV BMP Grizzly Kodiak Noctua Corvus Lycaon Basilisk HL-V
Quantity 2 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 4 6 3 3 2
Payload Machine Gunner Force Recon Force Recon/AGS Team Sentinel Spartan QMR-Ridgeback / QMR-Kuvasz None
Payload per Vehicle 5 5/2 5 2 1
Bonus Health +10% +15% +20% +25% +30% +35% +40% +80% +800% +600%
Upgrade Cost
Metal Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Thorium Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Deploy (Oil) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Scrap (Oil) Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown
Global Operations
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Tank Reinforcement

This Forward Operating Base will send additional armor to defend your bases.
—In-Game Description
Level Cost Units Stat Bonus Quantity Level Requirements

(Global Operations/Command Center)

Build Unlock/Upgrade Refund
1 Template:Metal Template:Metal Template:Metal Rhino +10% Damage 2 1/3
2 Template:Metal
Abrams M1A1 +15% Damage 3 2/4
3 +20% Damage 4 3/5
4 +25% Damage 5 4/6
5 Merkava IVM +30% Damage 5/7
6 +35% Damage 6 6/8
7 +40% Damage 7/9
8 T-14 Armata +80% Damage 8/10
9 Leopard 2A7 9/11
10 Mastiff 5 10/12
11 7 11/12
12 DLP-Sabre 3 12/12
13 Crusader 13/13
14 Erebus E1B +60% Damage 2 14/13
15 Antodon 3 15/13






Level Layout

Helicopter Reinforcement

This Forward Operating Base will send additional choppers to defend your bases.
—In-Game Description
Level Cost Units Stat Bonus Quantity Level Requirements

(Global Operations/Command Center)

Build Unlock/Upgrade Refund
1 Template:Metal Template:Metal Template:Metal Cobra +100% Health 5 1/3
2 +200% Health 2/4
3 +300% Health 3/5
4 Template:Metal Template:Metal
Template:Metal AH-64E Guardian +400% Health 4/6
5 5/7
6 6 6/8
7 +500% Health 7/9
8 Ka-50 Black Shark +800% Health 8/10
9 T129 ATAK +200% Health 9/11
10 Reaver 10/12
11 Osiris 3 11/12
12 Raider +400% Health 4 12/12
13 MH-5 Python 3 13/13
14 JS-25 TAAL 14/13
15 Derecho MK-6 2 15/13
Level Layout