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Devastating Minefield. Ideal against attacking Infantry or Vehicles! Load this up with mines daily to turn the tide of an attack!
—In-Game Description

General Information

Mines can be used as an area-denial tool on PvP and Rogue Faction Bases. It also encourages players to be careful with their units, especially on auto AI mode as they don't avoid them at all.

Upgrading the number of charges is not that much useful as refilling mines are cheaper to do so. Unless the player is being hit multiple times.

Upgrade Progression

Level Cost Charges XP Gain Requirements
1 Template:Metal 10 +40 Command Center Lvl 2
2 Template:Metal 15 +120 Command Center Lvl 3
3 Template:Metal 20 +240 Command Center Lvl 4
4 Template:Metal 25 +680 Command Center Lvl 5
5 Template:Metal 30 +1,420 Command Center Lvl 6

Damage types


Anti-infantry mines deal damage to ground units. Vehicles do not trigger them, but can take damage from explosions.
—In-Game Description

Appear as 3 small minefields.

Level Cost Damage Cooldown Splash Radius Trigger Radius Requirements
Upgrade Refill
1 Pre-Unlocked 200 6s 80 85 N/A
2 Template:Metal 300 N/A
3 Template:Metal 400 Command Center Lvl 3
4 Template:Metal 500 Command Center Lvl 4
5 Template:Metal 600 Command Center Lvl 5


Anti-vehicle mines deal damage to ground units. Infantries do not trigger them, but can take damage from explosions.
—In-Game Description

Appear as one big minefield.

Level Cost Damage Cooldown Splash Radius Trigger Radius Requirements
Upgrade Refill
1 Template:Metal Template:Metal 1,800 6s 60 85 N/A
2 Template:Metal Template:Metal 2,400 Command Center Lvl 3
3 Template:Metal Template:Metal 3,000 Command Center Lvl 4
4 Template:Metal 3,600 Command Center Lvl 5
5 4,200 Command Center Lvl 6