Rogue Faction Bases

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Outposts & Strongholds are NPC bases on the world map. Like Campaign bases, they require different strategies compared to player bases and must destroy every building to win. They can spawn on mining deposit spaces, which can be an annoyance. Enemy defenders do not need to be destroyed to ensure victory.

Certain bases contain the Defense Lab, a building never made into the final release.


Outposts are indicated by a class-specific yellow circle icon. In sectors with insertion points, they are one level lower if there are no strongholds nearby and higher if there are. They are not visible when zoomed out further enough. Once they are destroyed, they are completely removed from the map. Only one player can hit an individual base at a time and if they failed to destroy it in time, it will reset completely.

Drops Briefcases upon destruction containing common components by a majority and few critical components for a specific unit type.

Level Victory Reward Locations
3 Template:Metal Alsace, Bordeaux, Gibraltar, Marrakesh
Auvergne, Galicia, Portugal, Semara
4 Template:Metal Alsace, Bordeaux, Gibraltar, Marrakesh
Auvergne, Galicia, Portugal,Semara
Andalusia, Champagne
5 Template:Metal Auvergne, Galicia, Portugal, Semara
Andalusia, Champagne
6 Template:Metal Andalusia, Champagne
7 Template:Metal Poitou-Charentes
La Mancha
8 Template:Metal Normandy
La Mancha

Base Layouts

Level Infantry Light Vehicles Heavy Vehicles Helicopters Fixed-Wing Aircraft
3 Outpost Inf 3.png Outpost Lgt-Veh 3.png Outpost Hvy-Veh 3.png Outpost Air 3.png
4 Outpost Inf 4.png Outpost Lgt-Veh 4.png Outpost Hvy-Veh 4.png Outpost Air 4.png
5 Outpost Inf 5.png Outpost Lgt-Veh 5.png Outpost Hvy-Veh 5.png Outpost Air 5.png
6 Outpost Inf 6.png Outpost Lgt-Veh 6.png Outpost Hvy-Veh 6.png Outpost Air 6.png


Strongholds are, as the name implies, stronger bases compared to Outposts, but they give better rewards. They are indicated by a class-specific red square icon fully visible on the world map. However, they don't spawn in some sectors with insertion points. When destroyed, they are not removed completely, meaning the player can attack them as many as they want in the same area and multiple players can attack an individual base, but cannot spectate others. It resets after 10 minutes and the timer starts after a single damage is dealt.

Drops Gold Crates upon destruction on containing critical components for a specific unit type.

Level Victory Reward Locations
3 Template:Metal Alsace, Bordeaux, Gibraltar, Marrakesh
4 Template:Metal Auvergne, Galicia, Portugal, Semara
5 Template:Metal Andalusia, Champagne
6 Template:Metal Poitou-Charentes
7 Template:Metal Normandy
8 Template:Metal La Mancha
Spawn Schedule
Day Unit Type
Sunday Heavy Vehicles
Monday Light Vehicles
Tuesday Infantry
Wednesday All types
Thursday Helicopters
Friday Fixed-Wing Aircraft
Saturday All types

Base Layouts

Level Infantry Light Vehicles Heavy Vehicles Helicopters Fixed-Wing Aircraft
3-4 Stronghold Inf 3-4.png Stronghold Lgt-Veh 3-4.png Stronghold Hvy-Veh 3-4.png Stronghold Air 3-4.png
5-6 Stronghold Inf 5-6.png Stronghold Lgt-Veh 5-6.png Stronghold Hvy-Veh 5-6.png Stronghold Air 5-6.png

Template:World Map