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Template:Action Required - Cleanup Resources are a central element in War Commander: Rogue Assault


Metal is the game's common primary resource.

Metal can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Destroying higher or equal-level player bases in War Zones and PvP Quickmatches to steal them.
  • Winning loot bonuses from PvP Quickmatches.
  • Purchased with Gold.
  • Produced by the Metal Factory.

Metal is used for:

  • Upgrading buildings, turrets and platoons.
  • Promote and construct units.


Oil is the game's common secondary resource.

Oil can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Failing to destroy a player's base in War Zones grants a miniscule amount of oil as a "Kick Back Bonus"
  • Purchased with Gold.
  • Produced by the Oil Pump.

Oil is used for:

  • Upgrading certain buildings.
  • Fully restore durability for damaged units in attack platoons.
  • Participation in Daily Raids and certain other events.
  • Deploying Forward Operating Bases.


Thorium is the game's common tertiary resource.

Thorium can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Destroying higher or equal-level player bases in War Zones and PvP Quickmatches to steal them.
  • Purchased with Gold.
  • Produced by the Thorium Harvester.

Thorium is used for:

  • Upgrading buildings, turrets and platoons.
  • Promote and construct units.


Gold is the game's premium resource.

Gold can be obtained from the following sources:

  • IAPs
  • Level up rewards.

Gold is used for:

  • Filling in for other currencies, including Gold, Oil, Thorium, Commons/Criticals/Equipment Tech and Event Credits.
  • "Blitz" completed bases in Events to obtain a sum of credits without having to redo them manually.
  • Purchase certain offers.

Event Credits

Event Credits are the game's special resource.

Event Credits can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Successfully destroying certain bases in eligible events.
  • Using Gold to "Blitz" bases in Events after destroying them at least once.

Event Credits are used for:

  • Purchasing certain rewards while said events are active.

Commons/Criticals/Equipment Tech

Commons and Criticals are the game's special resources.

They can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Crates from various sources, such as destroying higher or equal-level player bases.
  • Purchased from events.

They are used for:

  • Promoting a unit requires its respective criticals and commons. Each unit has their own criticals, and the commons they use are determined by their category.
  • Upgrading any type of equipment requires its respective tech.

External Links


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