Edit Reference Pages/Colors

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Color Keys

To help maintain a consistent look throughout the WCwikia we are providing the following list of the Colors used.

NOTE: Be aware color changes might not be immediately reflected on this page. If a new color is found please specify the color and page in which it was found in the comments below so an Admin can update this page. Thank You.

WCwikia Theme Colors :

WCwikia Use RGB Color Hex Color Sample                 Notes                 
Page Header rgb(44,54,44) #2C362C
Page Buttons rgb(44,54,44) #2C362C
Page Main (Background) rgb(16,16,16) #101010
Links rgb(132,161,184) #84A1B8

Damage Filter Text Color Key :

Damage Filter Name RGB Color Hex Color Link to Template
BEST rgb(86,255,0) #56FF00 Template:Best
GOOD rgb(164,244,0) #A4F400 Template:Good
OK rgb(255,221,0) #FFDD00 Template:OK
NOT GREAT rgb(218,144,0) #DA9000 Template:Not Great
POOR rgb(252,71,2) #FC4702 Template:Poor
CAN'T HIT rgb(254,0,0) #FE0000 Template:Can't Hit
Splash - YES rgb(0,128,0) #008000 HTML Name - Green
Splash - NO rgb(255,0,0) #FF0000 HTML Name - Red

Basic Text Colors :

Primary Used Text Colors
Sample HTML Name RGB Color Hex Color Notes
Sample Text Tan rgb(210,180,140) #D2B48C  Non Stat Tables Text
Sample Text Yellow rgb(1255,255,0) #FFFF00 Upgraded Stat Numbers
Sample Text Orange rgb(255,165,0) #FFA500 Stat Table Notes / vs AIr Upgrade
Sample Text - rgb(132,161,184) #84A1B8 Current Link Color
Sample Text - rgb(218,144,0) #DA9000 Section Header
Sample Text - rgb(81,149,106) #51956A Sub Section Header
Sample Text - rgb(44,232,94) #2CE85E Highlight 1 / Sub Section Header  Alt
Sample Text Aqua rgb(0,255,255) #00FFFF Highlight 2
Sample Text - rgb(72,209,204) #48D1CC Highlight 3 ( Old Link Color )
Sample Text - rgb(255,112,56) #FF7038 Highlight 4
Sample Text - rgb(165,42,42) #A52A2A Highlight 5
Miscellaneous Text Colors
Sample Text DarkOliveGreen rgb(85,107,47) #556B2F Miscellaneous 1
Sample Text - rgb(168, 168, 75) #A8A84B Miscellaneous 2
Sample Text Grey rgb(128,128,128) #808080 Miscellaneous 3
Sample Text - rgb(51,153,25) #339919 Miscellaneous 4
Sample Text - rgb(39,153,216) #2799D8 Miscellaneous 4

Table Background Color Key :

Possible Use Table Main Table Res Turret Table Table vs Air Table Old
RGB Color 30,39,36 50,30,37 24,36,46 41,58,110 0,32,32
Hex Color #1E2724 #321E25 #18242E #293A6E #002020
Missile Table Rocket Table Gear Store Event Unit Elite Unit Adv Mission Unit
47,22,24 30,43,44 25,39,42 41,58,65 34,67,92 59,59,33
#2F1618 #1E2B2C #19272A #293A41 #22435C #3B3B21
Turret Lv 1 Turret Lv 2 Turret Lv 3 Turret Lv 4 Turret Lv 5 Turret Lv 6
58,68,52 137,142,62 66,33,59 35,51,66 75,26,28 16,85,20
#3A4434 #898E3E #42213B #233342 #4B1A1C #105514
Turret Lv 7 Turret Lv 8 Turret Lv 9 Unit Pic Back Unit Pic Back 2 Mission Icon
82,83,38 45,20,45 24,36,46 59,83,86 46,70,75 108,108,108
#525326 #2D142D #18242E #3B5356 #2E464B #6C6C6C
Status Effect Thor Tech Lost Tech Epic Tech Shadow Op Adv Mission
82,43,19 36,32,48 80,57,14 59,59,33 42,16,10 30,50,50
#522B13 #242030 #50390E #3B3B21 #2A100A #1E3232
Background 1 Background 2 Background 3 Background 4 Background 5 Background 6
24,27,30 20,20,20 25,25,25 30,30,30 35,35,35 40,40,40
#181B1E #141414 #191919 #1E1E1E #232323 #282828
Background 7 Background 8 Background 9 Background 10 Background 11 Background 12
45,45,45 50,50,50 55,55,55 60,60,60 65,65,65 70,70,70
#2D2D2D #323232 #373737 #3C3C3C #414141 #464646
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
35,26,20 53,26,29 59,27,30 66,4,0 82,23,13 17,35,43
#231A14 #351A1D #3B1B1E #420400 #52170D #11232B
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
96,32,20 124,55,40 61,39,53 39,44,56 51,42,19 93,94,43
#602014 #7C3728 #3D2735 #272C38 #332A13 #5D5E2B
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
71,88,47 52,75,52 46,69,46 58,68,58 30,39,36 30,43,44
#47582F #344B34 #2E452E #3A443A #1E2724 #1E2B2C
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
14,41,40 28,54,59 81,149,106 29,35,48 17,35,43 28,58,108
#0E2928 #1C363B #51956A #1D2330 #11232B #1C3A6C
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
45,35,45 35,25,35 47,35,27 56,39,27 71,49,34 60,70,72
#2D232D #231923 #2F231B #38271B #473122 #3C4648
Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc Misc
85,89,74 75,63,63 124,105,88 41,40,46 81,50,50 61,30,30
#55594A #4B3F3F #7C6958 #293232 #513232 #3D1E1E
Misc Misc
50,30,3 30,35,35
#321E03 #1E2323

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